Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Purgatory of Parenting

I've said it once, I'll say it again. 
Car Seats.
It really doesn't take a lot of explanation. Anyone who has buckled any child in knows it.  They are the price you pay for every mom misdeed, that cup of coffee you finished before picking up wailing infant, the day you forgot to take your pre-natal, the time you gritted your teeth and wished yourself on some abandoned island sans diaper bag.
Ever lugged one anywhere? They have to be carried three feet from your body like your arms needed toning, or something.
But today's chore is the absolute worst. 
Bravely, I say that I'm going to clean the car. 
Knowing that it entails taking apart two car seats...
which is really easy enough,
Washing them. 
FYI mine have been dried even though they tell you not to -
and didn't shrink. 
(Aren't you thankful that I discover things like that?) 
They probably just say not to dry so you take a.l.l day to wash them,
Or maybe it damages their hidden cameras. 
Can you hear it, The diabolical laughter?  As they watch yet another poor guilt stricken mother, agonize over the wretched hunk of plastic.
The putting-them-back-together is what gets me every time. 
I hate it. With a passion. 
Took me at least 40 minutes, and the manual the first time. That threader thingy they send along, does not work. Use a little pickle condiment spear. 
Mebbe I'm the only one so challenged.  Cuz' I set a timer for my 12 year old brother-in-law, he had it together in ten minutes. With a glance at the directions when he was finished to make sure he 'had done it right'. The boy is genius. Unfortunately (for me) he isn't around today.
The dryer just beeped. Wish me well.

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