Monday, September 10, 2012

Of Peaceful Sunday Nights & Cows

Kamie quietly tucked into bed, Blake cooing, me enjoying Sunday night.  Then my phone started ringing. Bronz’s ring. Since I didn’t answer he hollered up the stairs for me. (What I realized later was that he called my phone, while holding it at the bottom of the stairs…)

>sweet,nagging wife tone<  
Could you puh-lease not call me when I’m putting the kids down.

We’ve got a cow in heat.
(Note: There’s just not a very delicate way to say that, now, is there?)

>groan<  I love you  (Someone crown me quick)

What that means, is  Bronz has to AI the said cow, so we can have a little calf without keeping a bull around. If you need more info than that search engines await.

I grabbed a handful of chocolate chips, and a plaid insulated shirt (have to have the uniform for the job.) Stuffed my sweats into boots, which had their inaugural use under a white poofy dress with rice being thrown at them. Let me tell you, they’ve seen a lot rougher stuff since.

Me:        Aren’t you glad you’ve got me to help you?

Him:       Why don’t I help you, instead?

Me:        Are you sure you mean that?!

Him:       Silence.

Me:        I didn’t think so.

Me:        Well, I’ll do just about anything as long as you like my sweats, cuz they’re super comfy. (No one's ever accused me of staying too close to the topic at hand.)

Me:        How are we going to go about this?

Him:       Well, I’ve got an idea… It might be a dumb idea…

Adeline was the girl we needed to ‘take care of’… She happens to be my favorite, and is really tame. We herded her into the chute, Holding Blake in one hand I pulled the lever to clamp her in.  The cows are always fascinated by our babies, so maybe he had a tranquilizing effect as well.  Whatever the case it went very smoothly and I didn’t have to point a flashlight at nether regions, so happy girl here.  We only had one cow get out, and we were in the house by ten thirty. Not bad. Oh and I got a back and foot rub out of the deal. Not bad, not bad at all.

Aww... Can't wait to see our kids in white jeans in the show ring


  1. this is hard for me to imagine...the Edith I knew didn't like to go outside and loved to read! way to go sister! you are a great wife!

  2. I know, to think I've traded War & Peace for Hay and Forage Monthly:) -And guess what I had to do again last night...
