Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bike-Like Faith

Last week I wrote about faith, a few hours later I was tucking Kamie into bed and asked her what she wanted to pray about.  Usually it's a rotating list of favorite family members, neighbors, and their animals. (I've prayed for dogs, kittens, donkeys, Abe the calf...) This night though, she told me to pray for a bike.  Kamie adores bikes, and 'more bicycles'. Commentary after seeing a semi, or more like every semi goes like this. "Meme scared of semi's"  "Meme like bikes". But this was the first time she'd wanted to pray for one. 
I prayed for a bike. 
Next day we went on a three county garage sale spree. Sure enough as we pulled in I spotted a pink bike, with a helmet, needed a new inner tube on the front tire but other than that was in pretty good shape, and they wanted a grand total of $1 for the ensemble.
Ever feel like you just got a hug from God?

1 comment:

  1. Even though I already told you, this post so needs a *LOVE* comment. :)
