Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Normal Days...

My little garden helpers!  Kamie quickly went from digging up weeds in her little square to throwing dirt at Blake, which really shouldn't have bothered him much considering the amount he was eating.  He prolly thought it was chocolate.
We ran and picked up Bronz this morning which should have taken 5 minutes but turned into more like 45. He called for a ride just as Kamie pulled a whole glass of chocolate milk on top of herself... which didn't help with communication much. So after chatting with the neighbors for awhile I find I'm not at the right spot. Then I specifically asked hay field or V's place? "V's place", so I pull in and no one is around.  I call in, and find out that there's a difference between V's place and the place he lives.  Who woulda thunk it....  All this with my pathetic stick shift driving.   Oh well, more steam coming from my head than the truck.  
Loving, loving having the barn cleaned out.  The kids spend lots of time riding trikes, playing tag and drawing out there.  Last night after a bonfire we played a couple games of hot potato with Kamie, she had a blast.  Mostly she was pretty happy to have both her parents undivided attention.  Which meant we were listening to a lot of stories.  She is absolutely hilarious once talking... describing her dolls imaginary car she said it had a "Behinder" (otherwise known as a truck box.)
And right now waiting for the little Miss to fall asleep in order to throw together a peach pie, to have with coffee in the barn tonight.  The white lights have been practically begging for it.  Oh whatever, so it's my tastebuds...

The kidlets had a ball playing with these adorable puppies yesterday.

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