Saturday, July 6, 2013

How To Create A Calm Environment

(When The Piles Are Bigger Than You)

I’m writing this because yesterday was the kind of day where the kids would leapfrog their naps.

Where I actually prayed for Kamie to go back to sleep. 
Bronz sensed my desperation – After subtle hints. Oh whatever, Yeah, I don’t really do anything subtle. 
So he took Kamie with him to run to the feed store… I knew I had at least 40 minutes of peace and quiet. 

I surveyed the disaster. 



Here’s my 40 minute recipe for making a stab at restoring order.

Use Bleach Like Perfume

Dab strategically. 

I put a squirt of dish soap a splash of bleach, and some water in a bucket, and go to town.

(Actually I use splash-less bleach.  Amazing.  It’s completely saving my wardrobe.  I found it at my grocery store, and it has a gel like consistency.)


Beautiful Music

Even if you’re not really into the classical music thang. 

(I did that on purpose, they’re all grinding their teeth.  And you can tell what genre of music I prefer.)

While you’re at it light a couple candles, and if you have any yummy scented plug-ins get those going too.


Attack The Worst Area

And keep it to an area.  When it’s completed move to the next. 

Don’t go and try to do the whole place at once.

 Y’know there’s only one of you.


Use Your Time Saving Devices

Washing Machine




These are your servants, put ‘em to work.


Hit The Floor

I bleach scrubbed my kitchen floor, and ran a vacuum over the rest of the main floor.

Much, much better.


Don’t Take A Bubble Bath 0r Sit Down

This is a sure-fire way of guaranteeing someone will immediately wake up or come home.  I know it’s unscientific, but believe me, it’s been proven my whole life.  Even, back to the days of babysitting siblings.

If you absolutely have to relax,  Do what I did.  Make coffee.  Ice it.  Pour some yummy creamer in there.  Look at the three rooms that look amazing.  Lean against the counter.

Don’t think about the porch which proves evolution wrong –nothing, spontaneously gets better. 


Ta Da!


Postscript:  Then last night, or rather early this morning Blake woke up.  I put him in bed right beside me, about 5 minutes later he started getting sick all over me.  Disgusting.  After bathing both of us.  And then taking him downstairs so I could clean our bed up … he started all over again.  All night long this was repeated.  Bronz and I took shifts.  Whoever he got sick on had the following nap.  By 5:00 a.m.  We were running low on blankets to wrap him up in.  Bless my man’s very sweet heart.  (Cuz’ he hates puke even more than I do.)  He took the 5:00 to 8:30 shift and I finally got some sleep.  I didn’t even get called down to help with more clean-up assists.  And I bit my tongue when I heard about his Nyquil dosage.  The little man has been sleeping a lot today.  Leaving me lots of time to attack the laundry. 


So, this housekeeping stuff sort of feels like treadmill material.  Yet, it’s these things that create a serene environment for our family as well as ourselves.  Keep it up sisters.   How many great things were created without little steps?


1 comment:

  1. love it ede!
    you're a great writer!
    totally agree on the bleach thing, vinegar just doesn't smell as good :)
