Saturday, July 27, 2013

Barn Party (and Random July Happenings)

Our favorite Aunt Inga had a birthday last week.
Schedules were hectic, two siblings were out of state, fair was going on...
Soo we decided to do a sneaky surprise party.
(Make-up for having a dud birthday)
Bronz, the kids and I worked overtime on the barn.  Blake even got in on the sweeping.
But there was also a lot of this.
(Note, Blake's balancing act.  Is it any wonder our kids are constantly nursing lumps and bumps?)

Her boyfriend, Blake L. completely handled the surprise part of things and did a good job as you can tell by her face!
(My apologies for photo quality... all off the smart phone.  Which happens to have an
I just love birthday parties.   
It's like an extra special chance to tell them how much they mean to you.
That said, I didn't get a card written and nary a present wrapped.

Nancy & Layla went all out with a gazillion cakes and salads.
(Lucky me, I found leftovers in my fridge this morning!)
Blake L. had pretty much come directly from a business trip to Kansas, so he was not without fireworks.
This was pretty exciting for the younger crew.
All in all we had a pretty fabulous time.
And we might have pushed our bedtimes a tad...
as in crawling in at 1:30...

Here's the Queen Bee.
Her Royal Highness
Miss Kamie

Miss Pam signed her up for a parade float...
Which thrilled her little heart.
She practiced her princess wave on the back of the four-wheeler.

Modeling her hair.
She's soo beautiful...
(No apologies for bragging, you all know her faults.)
And now she wants her hair curled
the crown hurts her ears,
it gets stuck in the back of her trike.
Then my gorgeous little blondie
furiously pedals away
(Blake doing his best to dodge)
(No wonder everyone comments on how fast he walks, it's survival, people)
Happy July!

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