Friday, February 8, 2013

Thinning Out The Life

I started a detox/diet.  Yeah, real fun.  I have all these motivational thoughts running through my head:
  • If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got.
  • I've got a mortgage with chocolate.  Need to make some progress on the debt snowball.
  • Trying to visualize carrying the extra weight around in gunnysack.
  • Worthwhile things don't (usually) come easy.  If I don't want to do it, I prolly should be doing it.
In order to not focus on what I'm not eating, I'm implementing some more of the wonderful Flylady lists.  Which, is kinda like a diet for the house.  I let Kamie cross off our lists this morning as we slowly worked through.  I love how doable the plan is.  Rather than waiting for the perfect time to get the kitchen floor scrubbed right- I followed her encouragement of "Just do what you can, any effort will be a blessing to your family."  And I really got most of the floor scrubbed.
-Side note: For the longest time I faithfully scrubbed the kitchen floor every single Saturday. Hands and Knees.  I was pretty proud of my consistency, and said something to Bronz about it. "You do it once a week?" He says. I'm so proud of myself and continue to boast.  "Umm, Mom did it every single day." Whew, way to take the wind out of my sails.  There is no way the kitchen floor is getting scrubbed every day over here.  I am just about as likely to run a marathon as have that happen.
If I keep this up I might just end up with a healthier self, and a sparkly house.  Nothin' wrong with that.  Anyone want to come over and eat grapefruit with me?

1 comment:

  1. Whoa… hold on now. I was SUPER impressed at once a week. My floors are very fortunate to get a mop (NOT hands and knees…) Scrub twice a month. ;)

    Good job striving to be the best God created you to be. :)
