Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fun Runs...

Took a lovely little selfie before my morning run...
Yeah baby, I could go shopping with those bags under my eyes.
And there's nothing lovely about selfies. Period. End of Sentence.
My excuse was that it was such a gorgeous morning
cows grazing in the pasture
sun coming up, still leaving some beautiful colors behind it
tall, green, corn, with yellow tassels
 after-a-rain-shower air
 gravel road that is so not a treadmill
(and that's a good thing)
praise music
20 minutes from some fabulous endorphins.
I've been meaning to write a running post.  See, I've been doing it now for over 4 months.  Me, the non-runner.  And I seriously love it. (Yup, that's me the non-runner saying that)  I started running because I made a list of goals I didn't think I could accomplish this summer.  And then I checked my 5k off the list, and kept running.  I was hoping that pesky baby weight would fall off. Half of it has...  the rest is still being pesky.  But mainly I run for my own margin.  Incredibly it recharges me.  The only reason good enough to get up early and fit it in.  I run for sanity, clarity.  I run out frustrations, and I accomplish... It is often the only thing at the end of the day that feels accomplished.  Laundry is always waiting, children, husband, house all have needs that weren't all met.  Running gives me the physical/mental boost to go at it again...  I made the choice when I started to only listen to praise music.  And with few exceptions I've done that.  It's in no way a replacement for devotions, and yet it gives me that time to pray, and focus on lyrics, that focus on God. 
~I'm not one of those people that thinks really clearly while I run~ My prayers are pretty in depth. Not.  "Lord, that lady, you know the one who leads the Bible Study. Bless her. Jane! Her. Bless her."
~People talk about runners high, and just running feeling nothing~
I haven't hit that point.  Every step is hard.  Every minute is long.  It's when I get done and I hear the little voice say.  "Well done, you have completed your run for the day" That's when I feel amazing.
So, here's my quandary.  I'm fighting having it become an obsession.  I'm purposely avoiding Scheels. (I can run in $3 shorts.) I have spent too much time reading up on the mechanics of running. I want it to be kept in it's margin. Because it isn't about running this race, it's a tool to help me run The Race.  
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted."
Hebrews 12:1-3 ESV
Let us also lay aside every weight.  That's what my heart goal is.  And that's why no matter how much I like running... I can't let it become it's own weight. So like many things in life I struggle to keep it at its own tension, hugely beneficial, fun, rewarding, but not an end in itself.  Cuz' I'm looking forward to hearing a voice say "Well done, good run." And it sure won't be coming from my phone! 


  1. This post inspired me to go for a run yesterday... wasn't pretty but I got out there ;)

  2. Good for you! I missed my run this morning so ended up pushing the stroller. But Kamie didn't want to walk and Blake didn't want to ride, so it was a bit traumatic.
