Monday, April 29, 2013

Parks and Popsicles

I gave a writing assignment last week, and made it a timed one.  "Don't worry about spelling, punctuation, etc. We'll address that later, just get your thoughts down."  It worked amazing, and then I was feeling all a'guilty cuz' I could probably take some of my own advice over here. 
So put up with some bad grammar and mediocre spelling... Time's Going!
   Another amazingly beautiful day.  I took the kids out to run errands, which mostly revolved around spring fever.  New window boxes, spray paint -- all of the freshen-up-the-outdoors genre.  Except the diapers... that freshens up everywhere.
The kids were really good, and I promised a park outing afterwards.  I'm not really sure who was having more fun, though.  Pushing them in swings. Listening to the giggles.  Watching a Crane. (Of the bird variety)  I even went down the slide a couple times. 
Then home...  where a friend and I caught up over strawberries and white chocolate cheesecake dip... yum, yum. 
 I also started the couch to 5k program this morning.  (And, nope, that doesn't mean I did the couch part.) Whew, didn't realize how out of shape I am.  Now this should be a good challenge for me.  I have put it off, because it's impossible to do with kids.  But now that it's light earlier, I really don't have too many excuses. 
-A couple pictures from today. 
I gave the kids orange push-up pops when we got home, I didn't care if they got dirty a.n.d. I wanted to buy myself a little time in order to carry in groceries.

Here is proof, both received there pops at the same time...


Blake is very intent and dedicated to getting the orange sherbet out as quickly and thoroughly as possible

Even if it makes a bit of a mess.
Kamie on the other hand...
Is goin' on a laid back sorta style
Not pictured:
Major drama when Kamie
removed Blake's pop "Cuz he was too messy"

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