Friday, August 16, 2013

St8te Fair

It's been a cram, jam packed week with a couple trips to Des Moines involved.
Bronz was dying to go to the State Fair.
We are drastically different.  And the State Fair always proves it.
So we were very intentional and proactive this year.
We both wrote down exactly where we wanted to go, and what we wanted to see.
And then wrote some kid friendly options.
I packed a yummy lunch.
This was wonderful, because anytime the kids got the munchies I had strawberries, granola bars, cheese sticks, gummies... all ready to go in the bottom of the stroller.
Here's Blake trying to get a closer look at the Super Bull.
He was contemplating how quickly he could scale the gate.
I know this because He tried.
I loved walking through the arts building...  and that painting on the top was my favorite.  Bronz and I both completely cracked up. 
(So wish that they sold more of their exhibited pieces.)
We have sat like that many times, with those very expressions.
-Apologies for how wonderfully my phone captured it-
It was Veteran's day at the fair, so there was a big parade.  And I'm that lady who always tears up, and gets goosebumps, and who never thinks you can over thank a veteran. 
From the WW11 veterans sitting in floats to the Vietnam Vets riding their Harleys
The active duty regiments,
Crisp, young, impressive
That crazy group of Kilt wearing Vets
The cute little ladies in a WAVES truck
The two who were Pearl Harbor Survivors
The injured.
Those who weren't there.
I especially love seeing those of a different ethnicity in uniform, to me that is the quintessential American dream.  Someone who's found freedom and is willing to sacrifice to keep it. 
Had a cool experience a couple weeks ago, along those lines
A Hispanic young man looked across the street to see a middle aged white woman taking down a flag at a restaurant,
it was noticeably dragging on the parking lot.
He called out
"Get that flag off the ground!"
She laughed and maybe lifted it an inch or two
It was still touching
"Pick up the Flag!"
He repeated.
When she still made no effort, he said:
"I took an oath to the United States Army to protect that flag.  Get it off the ground."
Now, that is cool.

We met up with Bronz's sister and her boyfriend for supper, at the Cattlemen's Shed. 
Ahhh love getting to the end of fair day and being able to sit down.
...and sitting down reminds me of that which I am doing...
I usually write when the kids are going down for naps, or bedtime.
And they are now quiet, which means my work is also quietly waiting for me.
Please forgive the discombobulated nature of this post. 
My brain is running on coffee.
We hit our warm little bed this morning at 3:30 a.m.
Then up at 7 to pick the kiddos up.
(Des Moines trip #2 for me...)
Bronz actually ran through there once more this week...
So I'm slightly fried.



  1. I love how you write about your life. That was a cool story.

  2. Supermom! Good idea on the planning ahead... thanks for telling us now;)
